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  • 展翅高飞:意大利美声少年2012底特律歌剧院演唱会 Il Volo Takes Flight: Live From The Detroit Opera House 加入选片库


    Il Volo Takes Flight: Live From The Detroit Opera House

    分类:MV&演唱会 类型:

    年代:2011 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDAV 编码:0

    容量:18.66GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:81-27 人气:2 更新日期: 2014-07-13



Il Volo - a new phenomenon in the field of Classical crossover genre. In May 2009, Piero Barone (17 years), Gianluca Ginoble (16) and Ignazio Boschetto (16) first appeared together on Italian television in the childrens singing Talent show "Ti lascio una canzone" and struck his flawless execution of viewers Neapolitan "O sole mio ", at the end of the contest, the guys signed a contract with American label Geffen debut album on the way. Producing the album took up Italian pop legend Tony Renis and well-known American producer Humberto Gatika (Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Celine Dion). The album was released in Italy in November 2010 and reached platinum status. In May 2011 the album would be released in the U.S.. The guys were on American Idol as invited guests. The original DVD (Deluxe Edition) first concert of the new crossover group Il Volo, held October 27, 2011 in Detroit (Michigan), for the first U.S. tour. Orchestra of The Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra Steven Mercurio conducts, also works with three tenors, Andrea Bocelli, Alessandro Safina, the group Secret Garden, and Sting.
01. Il Mondo
02. Un Amore Cosi Grande
03. Ti Voglio Tanto Bene
04. Granada
05. E Piu Ti Penso
06. O Sole Mio
07. Non Ti Scordar Di Me
08. This Time
09. Smile
10. Mattinata
11. Music Proibita
12. Mamma
13 . La Luna Hizo Esto (Featuring PIA TOSCANO)
14. Notte Stellata (The Swan)
15. Funiculi Funicula

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