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  • 岛屿野生大地 第二季 加入选片库

    岛屿野生大地 第二季(2015)

    分类:纪录片 类型:

    年代:2015 地区:欧美

    片源:2D高清 分辨率:蓝光原盘 格式:BDMV 编码:0

    容量:34.64GB 字幕:无字 音频:非国语

    影片编号:DF021 人气:6 更新日期: 2020-02-18



◎译  名 岛屿野生大地 第二季
◎片  名 Wildest Islands Season 2
◎年  代 2015
◎产  地 英国
◎类  别 纪录片
◎语  言 英语
◎上映日期 2012-12-12(英国)
◎IMDb评分 8.1/10 from 151 users
◎IMDb链接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2825476
◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/26788126/
◎集  数 5
◎片  长 44min
◎导  演 Allison Bean
◎主  演 Paul McGann
◎标  签 纪录片 | 自然 | 英国 | 岛屿 | 野性系列
◎简  介
Title: Unknown Islands
Original title: Wildest Islands
Release year: 2012-2015
Genre: Documentary
Director: Richard Kirby / Richard Kirby, Colin Collis / Colin Collis
Cast: Paul McGann / Paul McGann, Susanne Grawe (German version)
Description: The ocean is full of islands inhabited and explored by people, so completely wild and untouched by humanity. A small world cut off by the vast expanses of water from the continents is developing at its discretion. Here interesting species appear that have not manifested in the big world. You can also meet small insects running in the grass and sands of the islands, but large creatures such as monitor lizards also inhabit remote islands. Perhaps the remoteness from civilizations allowed the amazing diversity of life to develop and survive.
Islands can be home to the most extreme examples of life and the some of the most dramatic landscapes. Natural selection fuels evolution in the most extraordinary way. Isolated for hundreds of thousands of years, pockets of individuals survive, thrive and adapt to fill all available niches fuelling a rapid development of new species. Wildest Islands, a stunning five-part series featuring the world’s most spectacular island locations. Dive into the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean; journey through the lush forests of Zanzibar; discover the unspoilt environs of the Hebrides; and uncover the enduring wonders of the Galapagos Islands as Wildest Islands investigates the rich history of these pristine paradises. Issued: United Kingdom Duration: 5x ~ 00:42:00
Season: 2
Series List:
Episode 1: Japan: Islands of Extremes / Japan: The island of extremes
Yaponiya.Strana with a wide range of manifestations prirody.Ot snowy peaks to humid mangrove lesov.No animals have learned to survive vezde.Zhivotny world nepovtorim.Unikalnye indigenous inhabitants of Japan and unusual guests live here on such different islands.
Japan is an 6852 islands archipelago located where three tectonic plates meet, causing major seismic and volcanic activity. Their climates varying from the subtropical mangroves on Okinawa to the Siberian conditions at the sea of ??Ochotsk. The wildlife is accordingly diverse, with a record number of unique, well-adapted native species and migratory guests like the Siberian swan. Versatile monkeys especially fascinate scientists.
Episode 2: Amazon River Islands: The Floating Forest / Amazon River: Floating Forests
Meet the amazing inhabitants of these islands, lost in the middle of the jungle, on the Rio Negro and Amazon River. How did they manage to adapt to local conditions?
Some small or larger islands in rivers of the Amazon system are flooded annually for months. While birds can just keep flying, for most of wildlife everything changes, as the lush forest habitat drowns to become a wetland or back. Several species adapted thoroughly, sometimes even into a specialized subspecies.
Episode 3: Vancouver Island: Rivers of Life / Vancouver Island: Rivers of Life
Vancouver Island is a vast area where wildlife is preserved. Along the entire length of the island, like a spine, jagged mountains stretch. The nature of Vancouver Island is unique.
Vancouver Island, along Canada’s southern West coast, has the richest Pacific wildlife, thinks to the ideal fishing grounds for salmon, who produce abundant eggs in its many rivers and lakes, the tiny surviving percentage reaching the ocean trying to return there, spawn and die five years later. They cater for many predators, from egg-eating birds to vultures, eagles and black bears, and even fertilize the trees enough to grow thrice as fast. Seals, giant octopuses and orca (killer whales) are among the marine predators enjoying the abundant seafood.
Episode 4: The Philippines: Islands of Mystery / Philippines: Mysterious Islands
The Philippines consists of more than 7,000 islands located in the Pacific Ocean between Indonesia and Taiwan. The fauna of the country is characterized by a wide variety of species of birds and reptiles. There are many species of fish and mollusks in coastal waters, among the latter, pearl mussels are especially noteworthy - mollusks that can form pearls.
The Philippines, a multiple chain of over 7000 -mainly small or tiny, men being concentrated on a few large ones- islands, have a combined cost length among the wold’s largest, like neighbor Indonesia. The wildlife is accordingly rich and diverse, with a number of rare or unique, well-adapted native species and migratory guests like water monitors.
Episode 5: Falkland Islands: Penguin Paradise / Falkland Islands: Penguin Paradise
The Falkland Islands (Malvinas) consist of two large (West and East Falkland) and about 776 small islands and rocks. A large number of seabirds (over 60 species) nest on the islands, among which it is worth noting black-browed albatross. In addition, 5 species of penguins nest on the archipelago.
Format: BDMV / BDAV
Video: 1080i / AVC MPEG-4
Audio # 1: German: DTS-HDMA 2.0

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